Transforming interactions with powerful AI solutions.

Derrick Stuckey

Derrick Stuckey

Chief Data Scientist

Derrick Stuckey is a data science professional with a background in physics and business analytics. With a BA in Physics from the University of Virginia and a BS in Business Analytics from George Washington University, he worked as a software developer in the defense industry, supporting R&D at intelligence agencies. In 2016, he transitioned to a data scientist at OrderUp (a subsidiary of Groupon), where he developed predictive models for customer lifetime value, delivery time estimates, and demand forecasting.

From 2017 to 2022, he worked as a senior data scientist and manager at Lotame, a digital advertising technology (adtech) company, where he created big data workflows for digital audience targeting and onboarded. He also trained and managed three junior data scientists. In 2020, he started teaching intro to machine learning as an adjunct professor at George Washington University. In 2022, he joined Precedent.

In his personal life, Derrick’s main hobby is chasing around his 14-month-old daughter Elena with his wife, Liz. They also have a miniature golden doodle dog who used to be the baby and still thinks she is.